Fourth of July Tips for Your Pet

Two small dogs wearing patriotic bows

The Fourth of July is arguably one of the most loved holidays of the year. But not for your dog! While we might love everything the Fourth signifies, our four-legged friends have other favorite holidays. 

As you might imagine, The Fourth of July can be an anxiety and overwhelming day for your dog. In some cases, it can even lead dogs to act out in ways that might seem out of character, such as:

Running Away

Some dogs are so paralyzed by fear that they can run from what they think is the source of the noise. This can lead to them getting lost or injured. 


Sometimes when dogs panic, they might accidentally harm themselves by running into things or trying to escape from certain places. 


Fireworks can cause some dogs to be emotionally scarred and more anxious in the future when they are around loud sounds. 

But, there are a few things you can do keep your dog safe and comfortable during a Fourth of July Celebration:

Create a Safe Space

If you take the time to create a quiet, cozy spot for your dog to feel safe in, it will make their Fourth of July experience so much more enjoyable. Make sure to include all their favorite toys!

Distract Your Pet

To help your dog through the noise and commotion of the Fourth of July, make sure to give them plenty of treats and even play with them! It helps to remove their focus from the noise to something they love, such as treats!

Don’t Leave Your Pet

Make sure you stay close to your pet. Especially when the fireworks are happening. When you’re present, you can keep an eye on your dog, and keep them comfortable. 

If you believe your dog has high anxiety around the Fourth of July, give us a call. We have a lot of inexpensive and safe options for your pets which can make both yours and their experience so much more enjoyable. 


July 2, 2024

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