M- F 7:30-5:30​ |  Sat 8-5 ​ |  Sun 8-5

How Pet Owners Can Celebrate Happy and Healthy Cat Month

This September we are celebrating our cats and kittens! This month is an opportunity for all our cat owners to put more focus on their cats overall health and wellness. 

To help you celebrate this month here are tips and resources you need to know to keep your cat happy and healthy! 

How to Keep Your Cat Happy, Healthy, and Engaged

  • Keep up to date with regular vet checkups.
    • Make sure you are proactively scheduling routine visits with your vet to make sure your cat is in an overall state of wellness. 
  • Change their environment
    • By this we mean you should focus on offering your cat new toys, scratching posts, and building time in your calendar to actually play with them! This will keep your cat physically active as well as stimulated. 
  • Clean their space
    • Keeping a tidy and clean living space, especially a litter box for your cat can make a big difference. If you haven’t done so recently, take this as your sign to clean their litter box!

Know What’s Healthy Cat Weight

Your cat’s weight is the secret to an overall healthy and happy cat! Here’s a way to make sure your cat is a healthy weight from your home.

  • Feel their ribs
    • In general, if your cat is of a healthy weight, you should be able to feel their ribs.
  • See their waistline
    • Look from above your cat. If you can see their waistline from above, it’s usually an indicator that they are of a healthy weight
  • Pay a visit to our clinic
    • One of the most accurate ways to determine if your cat is of a healthy weight is to give us a visit. We can determine not only if they are a healthy weight, but also if their overall health and wellness are looking positive. 

Know What to Feed Your Cat

Just like humans, your cat’s diet is an essential part of making sure they are healthy and happy. Here’s what you should know about making sure your cat has a healthy diet:

  • Choose quality ingredients
    • Make sure you are feeding your cat food with real protein. Look on the ingredients list for chicken, turkey, or fish. 
  • Know what your cat’s life stage means for their diet
    • If you need help determining what kind of food might be best for your cat at this state of their life, schedule a visit with us. We can guide you on what’s going to be best for your furry friend. 
  • Watch portion sizes
    • Always use a measuring cup for their food to make sure your cat is not under or over eating. 

Understand Your Cat’s Urinary Health

Urinary health in your cat is something that’s often overlooked by many cat owners. Here’s what you can do to prevent urinary issues cats are prone to. 

  • Keep your cat hydrated
    • Make sure their water is clean. One way to make sure your cat is drinking enough water is to purchase a water fountain. Whatever you can do to make healthy living fun for your cat is a win!
  • Add in wet food
    • Incorporating wet food into your cat’s diet is another way to make sure they are receiving enough fluids. 
  • Clean their litter box frequently
    • Make sure your cat’s litter box is always clean which can help keep both you and your cat healthy
  • Schedule regular check-ups
    • When you come and see us on a regular basis, we can help you determine what’s best for your cat’s overall health. If you have questions about your cat’s health, let us know! 

During this month, take the time to make sure your cat is the happiest and healthiest it can be. If you feel like there are parts of your cat’s health that could be improved, don’t hesitate to bring them in for a visit. We can help you see your cat’s health on a holistic level and provide you recommendations on how to keep them healthy and happy. 


September 5, 2024

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