Microchipping – Everything You Need to Know For Chip Your Pet Month

A black dog stands in the middle of a street with fall trees

May is here, and it’s time to celebrate Chip Your Pet Month! Microchipping, a key component of keeping your pet safe, is a great way to ensure the safety of your pet! In this blog post, we’ll delve into the truth about microchipping – what it is, what it’s not, and essential tips for using this valuable tool effectively.

What is Microchipping?

Microchipping is a simple and effective way to provide permanent identification for your pet. It involves implanting a tiny microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, beneath your pet’s skin, typically between their shoulder blades. Each microchip contains a unique identification number registered with a national pet recovery database.

Biggest Misconception about Microchipping:

The biggest misconception about microchipping is that it is a tracking device. Many pet owners believe that once the microchip is implanted, they can monitor their pet’s whereabouts using their smartphone. However, this is not the case. A microchip is more akin to a tag on your dog’s collar, providing important details about your pet, but it is placed under the skin, where it cannot be easily removed. It’s important to understand that a microchip does not provide real-time tracking of your pet’s location.

How Microchipping Works:

If a lost pet is brought to a veterinarian clinic or animal shelter, the first thing veterinary professionals do is ‘wand’ them to check for the presence of a microchip. This involves using a handheld scanner that emits a radio frequency to detect the microchip’s unique identification number. The scanner is safe and painless for your pet, and it’s a quick way for us to identify your pet and contact you if they are found. If a microchip is found, we can access the information stored in the pet recovery database, including your contact details.

Using Microchipping to Reunite Lost Pets:

While microchipping is not a tracking device, it plays a crucial role in reuniting lost pets with their owners. If your pet becomes lost or goes missing, having a microchip significantly increases the chances of it being identified and returned to you. Unlike traditional collars and ID tags, it provides a permanent form of identification that cannot be lost or removed.

Tips for Using Microchipping Effectively:

  1. Register the Microchip: After your pet is microchipped, it’s essential to register the microchip with your contact information in a national pet recovery database. This database is secure and only accessible to authorized veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and other facilities equipped with microchip scanners. It ensures that your pet’s information is readily available in case they get lost.
  1. Keep Contact Information Updated: Regularly review and update your contact information in the pet recovery database to ensure that it remains current. This is crucial as it’s the only way for us to contact you if your pet is found. If you move or change phone numbers, make sure to update your pet’s microchip registration!
  1. Supplement with Collars and ID Tags: While microchipping provides permanent identification for your pet, it’s important to also have a visible identification tag and collar. These tags should include your pet’s name and your contact information, providing additional layers of protection. However, unlike traditional collars and ID tags, a microchip cannot be lost or removed, ensuring your pet’s identification is always with them.

As we celebrate Chip Your Pet Month this May, we urge pet owners to view microchipping as a crucial step in safeguarding their furry companions. While it may not function as a tracking device, microchipping offers invaluable peace of mind, significantly increasing the likelihood of a happy reunion if your pet ever becomes lost. Schedule a veterinary visit with us today to discuss microchipping options for your pet and take steps towards ensuring their safety and security.


May 15, 2024

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