Three Ways to Prevent Your Pet from Getting Lost

A cardboard Lost Cat sign is stapled to a tree

We know more than anyone that your pet is more than just an animal – they’re a family member! In this blog post, we’ll share tips on preventing your pet from getting lost and what to do if they ever go missing.

  1. Identification Tags and Collars

    Identification tags and collars are essential for your pet. They are your pets first line of defense in case they wander off. Tags are simple yet so effective if your pet does ever get lost. Here’s why they’re crucial:

    Personalized Information: These tags directly link your lost pet to you and provide essential information to anyone who finds them. Make sure that your pet’s collar includes their name, your contact number, and any relevant medical details.

    Quick Identification: If your pet gets lost, a visible ID tag can quickly alert anyone who sees your pet that they might be lost! Tags can help speed up the process of reuniting you with your furry friend.

    TIP: Consider including a backup contact number on your pet’s ID tag. This secondary contact can be helpful if you’re unavailable when your pet is found which makes it more likely your pet will be found quickly. 
  1. Microchipping

    Microchipping is a reliable and permanent form of identification that can greatly increase the chances of you reuniting with your lost pet.

    A microchip is an important tool for identifying your pet. It permanently links you to your furry friend if they ever become lost or separated from you. When a lost pet is found and taken to a veterinary clinic or animal shelter, a scanner detects the microchip’s ID number. The facility then contacts the database to retrieve your contact information, allowing them to notify you of your pet’s whereabouts.

    Contrary to popular belief, a microchip is not a GPS or tracking device. It cannot track your pet’s location in real-time or provide continuous monitoring. Instead, it’s a small implant, about the size of a grain of rice, inserted beneath your pet’s skin between its shoulder blades. Each microchip contains a unique identification number linked to your contact information in a national pet recovery database.

    Having your pet microchipped is a straightforward procedure that can be performed during a routine veterinary visit. The microchip is injected beneath your pet’s skin using a syringe, similar to a routine vaccination. Once implanted, it requires no maintenance and remains in place for your pet’s life. Just make sure to keep your contact information up-to-date in the pet recovery database!
  2. Secure Outdoor Spaces and Supervision

    Preventing your pet from getting lost starts with creating a safe and secure indoor and outdoor environment. Here are some tips for ensuring your pet’s safety and minimizing the risk of them wandering off:

    Secure Fencing: Maintain a secure perimeter around your yard by installing sturdy, tall fencing to prevent your pet from jumping or climbing over. Make sure to inspect the fencing every few months for any signs of wear or damage that could lead to escape.

Supervised Outdoor Time: Always supervise your pet when they’re outdoors, especially in unfenced areas or unfamiliar surroundings. Keep them on a leash or harness during walks or outings to maintain control and prevent them from wandering off.

Training and Recall Commands: Invest time in training your pet to respond to recall commands such as “come” or “stay close.” Practice these commands regularly in a controlled environment and reinforce positive behavior with rewards to encourage compliance.

The key to keeping your furry friend safe is a combination of identification, supervision, and secure outdoor spaces. If your pet does go missing, don’t hesitate to contact us and local animal shelters immediately. Together, we can work to bring your beloved companions back home where they belong!


May 15, 2024

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