Understanding Bloodwork for Your Pet

cat looking at camera

Every pet owner should have all the information they need to make the best possible decisions for their pets. We find that pet owners don’t know enough about bloodwork for their pets which can negatively affect their pets overall health. Bloodwork is actually a vital tool that can help professionals understand and identify any potential issues you might not otherwise notice in your pet’s health.

We’re here to share with pet owners everything they need to know about bloodwork for their pets’ health. We’ll start by diving into the types of blood panels we offer depending on your pet’s needs. 

Types of Blood Panels For Your Pet

Small Panel

A small panel provides an overall view of your pet’s health. This type of blood draw is commonly used during routine check-ups and exams. This type of panel is used to help us determine if there are any early signs of illness in your pet and get a holistic view of your pet’s health. 

Full Panel

A full panel lets you get a larger view of your pet’s health. It’s a great option if you have been noticing that your pet is showing any signs of illness. If your pet is scheduled to have a surgery coming up, it’s important that they get this full panel done. Before your pet can go under anesthesia, it’s crucial to ensure that they are healthy enough to follow through with the procedure. 

Expansive Panel

If your pet requires an even more detailed view of their health, an expansive panel is an option. This panel gets sent to an external laboratory for review. Even though the test has to be sent away, it only takes about 24 hours to receive results. It’s a great option to help diagnose or rule out conditions. 

Why Your Pet Needs Bloodwork

Bloodwork allows us to see into your pet’s internal systems which can help us understand and detect issues that might not appear during a traditional health exam. 

Bloodwork also allows us to see potential problems early on and help prevent them from developing. 

This type of work can also help us create a specific health plan for your pet. Whether it’s a specific type of medication or diet, bloodwork can help us determine what the next best option for their health. 

When Should Your Pet Get Bloodwork?

There are several instances where having bloodwork completed for your pet is going to be beneficial. Here’s when you should consider having bloodwork done for your furry friend:

Annual Wellness Exams

A small panel is a great way to monitor your pet’s health each year they have their physical

Before Surgery

Bloodwork before your pet has anesthesia can make sure they are safe to undergo the procedure

If Your Pet is Sick

When your pet is showing signs of being sick, getting bloodwork done can help identify the underlying cause and guide treatment. 

At Rose City, we’re committed to providing you with the best care possible. That includes making sure you have all the information you need to make educated decisions about your pet’s health. 

One of the best ways to understand your pet’s health is through bloodwork. It’s an invaluable tool that can help us make sure your pet is happy and healthy. No matter if it’s a routine check-up or a more urgent visit, we’re here to guide you on your pet’s every health step. 

If you have questions about bloodwork, or would like to schedule an appointment, give us a call or come in and see us. Using tools like bloodwork, we can make sure your pet lives a long and healthy life. 


December 17, 2024

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