Celebrating Senior Pet Month

A senior dog with a white face looks at the camera

It’s time to celebrate our older pets! Older pets require a lot of time, care and attention. To help your pet age in the healthiest way possible, here’s what you need to know. 

What to Pay Attention To:

Pets tend to age slowly. Here are a few things you should review frequently when thinking about your pet’s senior health: 

  • Do they still want to go on walks?
  • Do they still want to chase the ball as far as they used to?
  • Do they drink more than they used to?
  • Do they eat less than they used to?

Think about what has changed in your pet in the past six – 12 months. Most of the time it’s easier to notice changes in their health when you zoom out. 

It may even be helpful to have a neighbor or family member who doesn’t see your pet daily, weigh in on what changes they have observed in your pet since the last time they saw your pet. 

You Know Your Pet Best

Since you see your pet on a daily basis, the small behavior changes that happen over time can slip under the radar. But, you know when your pet isn’t quite right.

If you think you’re noticing any big changes, it’s worth bringing your pet in for a geriatric health profile. There are so many things we can see in your pets bloodwork that we just can’t notice from the outside. Some of the health elements we review have even helped prolong the life of the pets we see! 

If you’re concerned at all, it is worth coming in to see us. It is better to know than not know and can help give you peace of mind. It also helps us, your vet care team, have the most up to date information and medical history for your pets profile helps keep everyone on the same page for future treatment plans. 

Focus on Quality of Life

Watching your pets age is one of the hardest things you can do. But so is watching your pet suffer. The more you know about the current state of your pet’s health, the easier it is to give them a high quality pain-free life. If you haven’t already, start being mindful of your pet’s behavior and notify us if anything seems out of the ordinary. We’re committed to helping your pet live the fullest life possible.  


November 29, 2023

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