Dealing With Winter Weather For Your Pet

Dog with snow falling on it's face

We’re lucky here in Tyler, Texas that we don’t experience a full-blown ‘winter.’ We’re usually warm enough to be outside and active with our pets! But for those days when the temperature does dip down, there’s a few things you should know about making your pet as comfortable as possible:

For Your Outside Pet

If your pet lives outside, make sure they are getting extra food. This will help them maintain calories and keep their temperature stable. On the really cold nights, maybe consider bringing them into the garage to stay warm. 

Stay Hydrated

Since it’s not so hot this time of year it can be hard to keep on top of your pet’s hydration. It’s just as important in the winter as it is in the summer for your pet to be drinking plenty of water. 

Keep an Eye on the Wind Chill

When you live in a warmer climate, worrying about the windchill might not always be top of mind. But, in the winter time it’s important to be checking the wind chill every day you take your pet outside! 

When it does start to look like winter, make sure your pet’s paws don’t get packed in the snow!

If you’re looking for some winter time activities you can tackle with your pets, here are a few of our favorites!

  • Explore local hiking trails
    • One of the best things to do with your pets during the winter is to take them hiking! Although it might be cold, it’s still a nice way to still be able to get outside with your furry friend.
  • Visit Faulkner Park 
    • This park is a great place to get out and brave the elements with your pet. Here you’ll be able to enjoy the trail experience in more of a nature hike setting. 
  • Rose Rudman Park
    • We love this park because of its paved pathways. So if you are seeking more of a long walk, the paved paths at this park will be perfect for you.

Whatever winter activity you like to do during this season, make sure it’s something your pet can be part of. If you have any questions about how to keep your pet healthy and safe during the winter months, feel free to reach out to us!


January 25, 2024

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