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Dental Health Month

A white and brown dog holds an orange and blue ball in its mouth

Did you know that dental health is one of the biggest issues we see with pets everyday? It might seem like the extent of your pet’s oral hygiene might be their bad breath. But that’s not the case! Dental health is always a big deal for your pets, and it’s the easiest to ignore. In this blog you’ll learn why dental health should be at the top of your pet’s health priority list. 

Why Pet Dental Health Matters

Dental health is a problem that can only get worse and worse for your pet. Once your pet has an infection in their teeth, that infection and inflammation ends up in their bloodstream. From there it requires your pet’s body to filter it. This infection typically exposes the heart to bacteria. 

As you can see, lack of proper pet dental health can cause a lot of problems if it isn’t treated. Although it’s important, it’s super easy to ignore your pet’s bad breath! 

A lot of pet owners think that their cats are excluded from the dental health conversation. But that’s not the case! Cats are just as likely to experience infections if their dental health is not cared for. 

What To Look For In Your Pet’s Dental Health

One of the best ways to prevent poor dental health in your pet is to be proactive in their dental health care. 

Here’s how you can spot inflammation and infections in your pet’s mouth. If your pet’s teeth are brown, black or have build up or if you notice their gums are red and puffy – your pet most likely has an issue. 

If your pet has a broken tooth or you can see the root of a tooth, we need to see them and check their teeth. 

It’s important to take a look at the teeth in the back of their mouth. These teeth tend to be the ones most impacted by infection and inflammation. 

Some pet owners can’t bring themselves to check-out the back of their pet’s mouth. If this is you, bring your pet in! We are passionate about dental health and would love to make sure everything looks as it should for your furry friend.

If you have a small dog, just know that it needs to have their dental health checked once a year. Dogs on the smaller size tend to have the worst teeth. Small dogs are typically the ones we have to pull the most teeth from towards the end of their life. 

The Bottom Line of Your Pet’s Dental Health

Dental health is always a bigger deal than pet owners realize. It’s not until an issue has risen that pet owners begin to consider the severity of their pet’s dental health. To be safe, preventive dental care for your pet is the way to go. Dental health issues for your pet tend to start slowly and then quickly lead to other infections. 

The best thing you can do for your pet’s dental health is to get them on a regular check-up schedule. If you aren’t sure what that might look like for your furry friend, give us a call and we can help set up a successful preventive care plan for your pet.


February 14, 2024

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