How to Keep Your Pet Safe this Halloween

Dog surrounded by Halloween pumpkins

Halloween is always a fun time of year, and it should be for your pets, too! It’s easy for your pet to become more overwhelmed than you might realize during this holiday. When you think of Halloween from the perspective of your animal, it’s easy to see why. 

Here are a few ways you can keep your pets healthy and safe during Halloween. 

Store Candy in a Safe Place

We know you know that candy isn’t for your pet! But sometimes those shiny wrappers, good smells, and fun crinkles are hard to resist. Each and every year we have pets come into our office because they have ingested Halloween candy. Use these tips to help keep your pet and your candy safe!

  • Any amount of candy is never healthy for your pet. Chocolate especially can cause diarrhea and vomiting for both dogs and cats. Keep your candy in a location that is not accessible by your pet. 
  • If you have an animal who is quite the beggar, stock up on some pet-safe treats so they don’t feel left out.
  • If your animal does ingest anything they shouldn’t, give us a call as soon as possible. 

Choose Your Costumes Carefully

You might not realize it, but some of the costumes you choose for your pet can be quite dangerous and uncomfortable. Keep these tips in mind to make sure your pet is having just as much fun as you:

  • Introduce the costume to your pet a few times before the big night. This can help familiarize them with their new spooky attire. 
  • Make sure the costume you pick is one your animal can safely move around in. They should be able to walk, breathe, and make any noises as usual. 
  • Watch your pets behavior after you put them in their costume. Do they look stressed, anxious, or acting unlike themselves? 

Strategically Choose Decor

One of the best parts of Halloween are all the decorations! Although they are the most fun, they typically aren’t your pet’s favorite part of the season. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when decorating your home and lawn for the holiday. 

  • Party supplies like tin foil and cellophane can be dangerous if ingested by your pet. 
  • Be strategic about where you place any lit pumpkins. Make sure they are out of reach from your pet who is already low to the ground. 
  • Hide or tuck away any wires and cords attached to lights or decorations. 

Be Mindful of Your Pet 

There are lots of things about Halloween night that can make your pet anxious. From extra foot traffic, to strangers in costume, what you might think is just a fun night for your entire family, can be uncomfortable for your furry friend. 

  • For your more anxious pets, regularly check in on them throughout the night. It helps to have their favorite treats on hand! It might be a good idea to keep them in a separate room where they can’t see the front door or windows on trick-or-treat night. 
  • If you have a cat, Halloween night produces a large risk of them running out any open doors. For their safety, keep them comfortable in a back room. 
  • Before Halloween night, it’s a good idea to check your pet’s ID’s to make sure they are accurate and up to date should one of them sneak out the door. 

However you plan to celebrate Halloween this year, keep your pet in mind! You know them best and can help create a safe environment where they are comfortable and happy. 


October 9, 2023

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